Saturday, October 12, 2013

Trade in your sneaks for a pair of grip socks and meet us at the BARRE!!

Are you a treadmill Queen? Bored of your same fitness routine? Been there..!

There's a new BARRE fitness craze- and studios are opening as fast as Frozen Yogurt Shops these days. You may have heard of a few of the top franchises or studios: 

-The Bar Method
-Dailey Method
-Pure Barre
-Barre Bee Fit

They are all indeed different, and have their own individual take on a basic method.  Tuck vs. Non tuck. Pulse vs. static hold etc... BUT- They are all the same in the fact that they kick your a** and change your body.  If you take a class at any of these places, expect to FEEL it the next day- and to love and hate it at the same time. 

When you take a barre class, you leave your shoes at the door.  As a Bar Method Client, I had a drawer FULL of their branded grip socks.  You have very few options for style-- Grey and Black were my only choices. 

ROCK THESE SOCKS brings barre class clients a fun variety of fashionable grip socks to rev up their studio style. !!

Keep up with us as we review Studio Fitness Classes that are accessible nationwide, and report on the hottest fashion trends in women's activewear!

1 comment:

  1. Great article .Thanks for the FANTASTIC post! This information is really good and thanks a ton for sharing it :-) .I am a physical trainer and I want to start my own gym but the problem is that I don't understand how to start a fitness studio Can you help me??? I will be waiting for your next post.
